Social Accountability – A Vision for Canadian Medical Schools, Health Canada, 2002
Global Consensus for Social Accountability of Medical Schools, December 2010
CanMEDS Physician Competency Framework, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, 2005
Social Determinants of Health, Public Health Agency Canada
Health in Care Canada: What Makes Us Sick? Canadian Medical Association Town Hall, 2013
Principles of Community Engagement (2nd Edition), Centre for Disease Control and Prevention and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Green, L., Daniel, M., and Novick L. Partnerships and coalitions for community-based research. Public Health Reports, 2001, 116(Suppl 1):20-31.
Wallerstein, N.B., and Duran B. Using Community-Participatory Research to Address Health Disparities. Health Promotion Practice, 2006, 7(3):312-323.
Buist, S. Code-Red: Where you live affects your health. Hamilton Spectator, 2010.
Taylor, L. Why Canada is hazardous to their health. Ottawa Citizen, 2012.
Audio Visual
Unnatural Causes…is inequality making us sick? California Newsreel.
LeNoir NMA Pediatrics Lecture – Tackling the Root Causes of Health Disparities.
Other funding sources
* Some funding applications may require the primary applicant to be a non-profit organization.
Student Initiative Grants, Canadian Federation of Medical Students
Collaboration and Advocacy in Residency (CARE) Project Award, Canadian Foundation for Women’s Health
Resident Advocacy Grant, Canadian Paediatric Society
Health Promotion Grants, Alberta Medical Association Health Issues Council (for medical students and residents training in Alberta)
Health Promoting School Funding Opportunity – Elementary and Secondary, Physical and Health Education Canada
Health and Social Development, Vancouver Foundation